Thanks to you more than 600 men, women and children had a warm place to call home this year. On behalf of them, thank you for improving their lives and their dignity.
Earlier this month, Crystal Dutton, Occupancy Specialist for Alliance Asset Management, signed a lease with a gentleman that has been homeless for 22 years, and was living by the river in Concord. He was introduced to CATCH by the Concord Coalition to End Homelessness who was able to provide him with a Housing Choice Voucher, as well as wrap-around services. During the lease signing, he cried with every page of his lease that he signed, and needless to say, we all cried as Crystal shared the story with us. He said that he couldn’t imagine that having a home was possible, and that he didn’t ever have to go back to the river.
Nothing speaks to our mission of strengthening communities by creating opportunities for affordable, quality housing for people otherwise not being served more poignantly than this amazing story of hope. As we all celebrate the holidays in the comfort of our homes plentiful with cheer, let’s remember that while we have changed this gentleman’s life, there are hundreds more that are not as fortunate, and we are simply scratching the surface of a much larger issue in our communities. Your support makes stories like this possible.
Would you be willing to make a special year-end donation of $50, $100 or whatever you can afford to help us continue our mission of creating communities where every person is confident of a home?
We simply can’t do it without you. Your support will make a real, lasting impact in the lives of families and individuals in our neighborhoods.
Please, click here to make your donation now.
Thank you for your continued support and friendship. Happy New Year!