Granite United Way and Partners Help EITC and ACTC Recipients Navigate New IRS Tax Refund Delay

It is more important than ever to prepare accurate income tax returns during the 2017 tax season. A new law requires the IRS to delay issuing refunds for certain taxpayers claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) until February 15. The law has no exceptions and is designed to make it easier for the IRS to find and stop fraud.
The CA$H (Creating Assets Savings & Hope) Coalition is one of over 12,000 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) programs across the country that the IRS relies on to help people file their taxes every year, completely free of charge. In 2016 alone, its IRS certified volunteers helped more than 5,000 individuals and families in New Hampshire and the Upper valley of Vermont qualify for and keep 100% of their refunds—nearly $7 million—without worrying about hidden fees or unexpected charges.
Who can get free tax prep? Generally, individuals who make less than $64,000 are eligible to have their taxes prepared and e-filed for free. Our services are also available to persons with disabilities, the elderly and non-native English speakers who need assistance in preparing their taxes. Tax filers can call 2-1-1 or go to to find a tax site near them.
This article was provided by Cary Gladstone of Granite United Way, Chair of the CA$H Coalition of NH and a member of the Board of Directors of CATCH Neighborhood Housing.