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CATCH Awards Local Housing Champions

Concord, NH – On Thursday, March 23, CATCH Neighborhood Housing hosted its Annual Event, Making Community Home. The annual celebration of CATCH staff, volunteers, donors, and residents, served to highlight the ongoing need for affordable housing throughout Merrimack County as well as recognize several individuals and organizations who have made a meaningful impact.

The City of Concord Planning Division was awarded the 2023 Community Collaborator of the Year Award. This award is given to an individual or organization that has demonstrated a commitment to partnering with CATCH to ensure that safe and affordable housing is available throughout our community. Heather Shank and the City of Concord Planning Division have supported countless efforts to address the challenge of affordable housing from initial stages of concept development to construction and inspection. Additionally, the team has provided a road map to future success through the creation of master plans and visions for new development through community engagement, and assisting with the implementation of those plans.

Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green was awarded the 2023 Business Partner of the Year Award. This award is given to a business or individual who has demonstrated a commitment to ensuring that safe and affordable housing is available throughout our community. For more than 25 years, the Affordable Housing Group at Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green has represented developers in the creation and preservation of affordable multi-family housing communities throughout New England. Members of the firm’s Affordable Housing Group have served on CATCH’s Board of Directors, committees, and have worked to tackle challenges, address concerns, and bring hundreds of affordable housing units to life.

Ken Koornneef, President and CEO of Nobis Group, received the 2023 Volunteer of the Year Award. This award is given to an individual who has demonstrated a commitment to CATCH Neighborhood Housing and its mission. For over 20 years, Ken has served as a key supporter of CATCH including 7 years as a member of the Board of Directors, two of which as Board Chair. During that time he has used his expertise as a civil engineer to guide CATCH’s development efforts and increase access to affordable housing throughout our community.

Robert Tourigny, Executive Director of NeighborWorks Southern New Hampshire, received the 2023 Helen M. Greene Visionary Award. This award recognizes an individual or organization whose investment in the community has impacted the issue of housing in a significant way. Robert has overseen the development and rehabilitation of nearly 1,500 units of affordable housing and community facilities in his career, totaling more than $75 million in investments. In addition to NeighborWorks Southern New Hampshire, Robert serves on the Governing Council of Housing Action New Hampshire, and on the Boards of Directors of the New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority and Granite United Way. Nationally and regionally he has served on the Board of Directors of the National Rural Housing Coalition and the Northern New England Housing Investment Fund, and as Chair of the Advisory Council for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston.

Arthur F. Casavant, III received the 2023 Rosemary M. Heard Housing Champion Award. This award recognizes an individual or organization who serves as a fearless advocate and tireless champion of safe, affordable housing. For over 42 years, in roles at both M&T Bank and JP Morgan, Art facilitated investment in affordable housing in NH and 19 other states throughout the country. As a longtime member of the CATCH Board of Directors, Art used the expertise gained from those experiences to support the organization and advance its mission.



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